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Satoko Fujii Tokyo Trio

Berlin 204 North First Street, Minneapolis

The Satoko Fujii Tokyo Trio (with Natto Maki on bass and Oden on drums) will play the original music that pianist Satoko Fujii composed for this trio. Critics and fans […]

$15 – $22

Hiromi’s Sonicwonder

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Since Hiromi’s debut album, 2003’s Another Mind, the world-renowned pianist’s sound has evolved with every release. Here, she erases the lines between jazz and classical, composition and improvisation. Now she changes […]

$40 – $100

Hiromi’s Sonicwonder

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Since Hiromi’s debut album, 2003’s Another Mind, the world-renowned pianist’s sound has evolved with every release. Here, she erases the lines between jazz and classical, composition and improvisation. Now she changes […]

$40 – $100
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