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Stanley Clarke Band

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

The Stanley Clarke Band

Adi Yeshaya Orchestra

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Adi Yeshaya Orchestra, featuring vocalist Jennifer Grimm

Andrew Walesch sings Tony Bennett

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Vocalist Andrew Walesch and his orchestra sing and play the music of Tony Bennett

Dave Holland New Quartet

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Dave Holland New Quartet, featuring Jaleel Shoaw, Kris Davis and Nasheet Waits

Marquis Hill Composer’s Collective

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Marquis Hill Composer's Collective, with special guest Omar Abdulkarim

Afro-Cuban All-Stars

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

Afro-Cuban All-Stars

Judith Owen

The Dakota 1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis

London-based jazz singer Judith Owen makes her Twin Cities debut

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